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Eleusis Outdoor Solutions

Select options for additional info & pricing. [View Indoor Solutions]

  • Large Format TVs
  • Digital Signage
  • Holographic
  • Custom

Large Format TVs

We have a wide range of outdoor pitch’s and products to make very high quality
Video displays in 16:9 and 21:9 formats. With pitch’s as low as 2mm (p2) we can
product 4K ultra high-resolution stunning video displays in rear or front service cabinets.

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Digital Signage

We have a wide range of DVLED cabinets and designs for all shapes and sizes.
Our advanced processors can display many inputs with layers to maximize the
marketing power of the system. Completely remote managed our systems can be set up
with endless display possibilities.

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A new and very dynamic DVLED tech is our window mounted mesh displays that
create awe inspiring images that stop the audience in their tracks. Versatile land
powerful these displays can bring a window to life without the need for a major
expensive structure to be built. In many resolutions and light outputs we can design the
right system for your environment.

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With so many technologies and products in our tool box anything is possible. Our
design team can create custom sizes and applications to exceed the project design
goals. We can customize any of our systems to fit into the limitations of your project. We
can build a custom system to gets the most of your budget.

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